Sunday, November 7, 2010

This is my teaching philosophy

Teach my students that it is far more important to know how to find an answer than it is to know an answer. I admitted many times that I don’t remember all the formulas to a math equation but by reading and researching in the text I can figure it out within a few minutes. I would like to teach my students to be self reliant and question everything and anything that they don’t fully understand. I want them to be extremely comfortable and confident in their responses and completed assignments. I want them to understand that an assignment may not be the traditional paper assignment but it also includes a task I give them. I hope this will prepare them to compete in a healthy manner that will drive them to never be satisfied with only their idea of success. I want them to not desire what someone else has simply because they can’t use their own imagination to come up with something great for themselves. I want them to desire and achieve their own dreams, even if that dream means not living by the standard norm of being a millionaire or having a house full of material possessions. I love to do hands on, in person teaching because I feel that it not only excites the student but also the teacher. I want my students to see that teachers get excited and moved by their student’s effort and genuine participation. I want my students to see that their teacher has a genuine interest in their educational success which is a portal to their life success. If they don’t not learn any of the above mentioned than I hope that they leave my class knowing that an education is not a right it is a privilege. Especially for women who currently in other countries are denied education because they are not meant for anything other than child-birth, servitude and as an exchange for goods. They should also realize at the time that an education does not automatically anyone better than someone, what betters you is how you use that education.

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